FREE TRAINING + Case Study ($997 value)

FREE TRAINING + Case Study ($997 value)

Learn the PROVEN S.E.E.D Method for creating a WILDLY Successful coaching business & enrolling your Ideal Clients in 3 Days

Learn the PROVEN S.E.E.D Method for creating a WILDLY Successful coaching business & enrolling your Ideal Clients in 3 Days

Discover The Framework Pam Obasa Used To Make $120k in 3 days WITHOUT running any paid ads or posting on social media

Discover The Framework Pam Obasa Used To Make $120k in 3 days WITHOUT running any paid ads or posting on social media

Here's What You'll learn:

  • The Big Idea – how to create a cash-back offer (this method goes into detail showing you how to easily create an offer that beings in high-paying clients)
  • ​The Testing Phase ( how to quickly test an offer to validate it without paying for Facebook Ads)
  • ​The Waterfall Method ( see the method we use to scale an offer quickly so that it becomes in-demand)
  • ​The S.E.E.D Method (this is the holy-grail method for how to reach those big 6-Figure-Months)
  • ​The easiest way to automate your sales system without getting held hostage by the tech (you’d be so surprised with how easy it is once you know how)
  • PLUS lot's more!....

Here's What You'll learn:

  • The Big Idea – how to create a cash-back offer (this method goes into detail showing you how to easily create an offer that beings in high-paying clients)
  • ​The Testing Phase ( how to quickly test an offer to validate it without paying for Facebook Ads)
  • ​The Waterfall Method ( see the method we use to scale an offer quickly so that it becomes in-demand)
  • ​The S.E.E.D Method (this is the holy-grail method for how to reach those big 6-Figure-Months)
  • ​The easiest way to automate your sales system without getting held hostage by the tech (you’d be so surprised with how easy it is once you know how)
  • PLUS lot's more!....

This all-new training is for you ONLY if…

You’re a brand new Coach/Consultant (or perhaps you’ve been at this game for some time but…) you lack clarity on WHAT to offer or HOW to position yourself as THE go-to in your industry

You’ve got pieces of the puzzle here and there but it doesn’t seem to fit together. You’re NOT bringing in the 💰 that you thought you would be bringing in by now.

You’re tired of writing content or posting on Social Media like the Kardashians, you’re ready to build an income-generating empire

You know that you should increase your price BUT you have no idea HOW and you’re too SCARED that no one will buy

You’re a 9-5er and even though you may have had the luxury of working from home due to the pandemic, you’re eager to do something with your expertise (you just aren’t sure WHAT that looks like!) that doesn’t involve time-tracking or attending mind-numbing meetings for the job you can’t wait to leave.

A Note From Your Host Pam Obasa…


The current global pandemic has made those words truer NOW, more than ever before. 

I’m Pam Obasa and I can’t wait to teach you my No-Fluff, proven-to-work strategies so you can stop wasting hours posting on Social Media and instead enjoy signing ‘ready-to-pay’ into your transformational coaching program (You’re the rockstar they’re looking for)

Give me 60 minutes and I’ll give you the most POWERFUL, “what’s working now” strategy for how to get all the clients you want, at the price you want… even if no one knows who you are.

All without the janky, outdated and gimmicky sales tactics and slow-moving strategies that don’t work in 2021

Here's What Some Of Our Current Clients Are Saying...

$70,000 in 2 Days
£20,000 in 8 Weeks
£15,000 in 7 Days
$2,250 in 6 Weeks
20 clients enrolled 
'I had 60% Conversion Rate'

 "I have made over $10k in one weekend 🤩"

Sold her first intensive at $1200 AND her Coaching package at $5k 

Sold her $8,400 Package

$29k in 2 weeks

 $18,000 in 7 Weeks

$6,500 in 7 Weeks

Closed her 10th Client 😮😮😮

Sold 2 programs at 3K

100 Consults booked and 28 Sales in 2 days

“I got 5 sales from a tiny email list of 150”

"First call just done and
it's YES"

50% conversion (5 clients) enrolled so far into her High Ticket offer 

Lorna got her first sale

3 Clients enrolled 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

First client enrolled

4th Client Closed!

"OMG, my funnel is filling up like mad."

"I have just enrolled my second client for my new program..."

Successfully enrolled her first 3 clients

Betty booked her first paid intensive...

“Sold 3 Packages and haven’t launch yet"

First sale came through

30k per month

“I made DOUBLE my investment”

"I was so impressed at how Pam helped 20 women to create their Signature Offer. 

This is a 'Super power"

"I spent so much money on other courses but this course gave me the HOW'. I LOVE the implementation. The personal feedback was a big game changer for me"

"I'd taken so many courses but this one forced me to sit down and actually get the work done. Very helpful"

This is by far the best Course.

It has been absolutely spot on!

"I increased my price and I've sold my course already. 
Thank you so much Pam"

"Most of the trainers that I've been to leave you 'hanging'. You helped me more than anybody and I am truly grateful for it"

$70k In 2 Days

I loved learning about Ads

"To anyone who's thinking of doing this Intensive, Don't think just do it!"

"This weekend, EVERYTHING clicked into place. This is absolutely amazing"

"This is one of the best Courses I've ever taken"

"It really highlighted what I really need to be doing"

"Doing the Implementations with Pam has really helped.
This is the most discovery work that I've ever done"

"I keep thinking why did I wait a whole year before taking this intensive. It's one of the BEST courses I've ever joined"

It was an eye opener for me

It's exactly what I needed

"I honestly wish I had this many months ago"

"It was such an eye opener and it really gave me hope"

"For me it was mind-blowing.

I love that it was so hands-on"

"Pam made us feel very comfortable. I loved the details of how to create our own program"

"I loved the training on Sales Calls. I was making so many mistakes on the calls but now I know how to Close

I was failing with Facebook Ads but now I know how to do it right. I learned a lot today, thank you

I've spent so much money on ads and different programs, nothing compares to this 

I love how you took us by the hand, pushed us to achieve each task instead of leaving us

You always overdeliver. The whole 3 days, everything you taught was important for me.

I've had so many coaches but none of them have taken the time to push me like you have. 

I love how practical it was, everyone got clarity from each segment and you pushed us. It's just perfect!

I loved the "hand holding". You didn't just give us worksheets like other Coaches, you helped us implement each step.

Before attending, I didn't know how to put together a program, now, I have my Signature Offer created

This gave me clarity on the steps that I should take, especially how to run Facebook Ads successfully

My biggest win is the Sales System. I also 'slammed the back door shut' in all areas of my life that have been holding me back all these years

I'd summarise these 3 days as 'slamming the back door' in my mindset, business'. I really enjoyed these 3 days

My big win is that before this program I was lost but I've been able to move my business forward

I thought the first day was 'something' until Day 2 which blew me away even more. Atmosphere was very inspiring

I got so much clarity on the direction to take and what to offer my audience

I learned a lot from this, especially how to clarify my message, how to use Facebook the right way and confidence in my own abilities.

I loved the strategic Messaging. I love the human part of it. It was BRILLIANT

Your success is my success

I just saw the mistakes I made in past when it comes to Sales Calls. I now know how to do it the RIGHT way

The 'Closing' was really beautiful. I learnt so much about how to 'Close a Client' and about Facebook Ads 

It's just amazing! I'm grateful to the entire team.

I learned that Mindset is foundation and I learned how to renew my mind

I absolutely loved it especially "the wolf and the pack"

It's indescribable. Finally happy that I found what I was searching for

It's outstanding! Very hight energy and very inspiring. I thought it was too good to be true but it's outstanding

I got more clarity. You practice what you preach. I feel so much more confident with Sales Calls now

It's been amazing 3 days. We didn't just get "information", we actually did the work and I loved that

It's been an eye opener. So many Coaches talk about putting together a Signature program but you taught us HOW to actually achieve it.

I can't believe it! Thank you for pouring your heart out. I now have my Signature Offer created

I feel that I've finally found my match. This has changed my life and I now have a focus.

I hate Sales, that's the reason I joined and I think you are going to make it easy for me.

It's been such a phenomenal 3 days, there's so much that I learned and I can use.

I love how you showed us the things as opposed to just telling us what should have been done.

You genuinely wanted us to learn. I just cannot say enough of things and thank you enough.

Thank you, you actually helped me re-craft my Signature Offer.

Thank you for wonderful insights. I really loved the energy of this group.

It was really empowering experience. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for your patience.

I learned a lot. I really liked that you was able to coach us and give us feedback.

This was a great experience. You really break this down in small pieces.

You always give more value than I can imagine.

In 3 days I learnt more than in 6 months with another coach.

I had all of this jumbled in my head and you put names and tags on that.

"I sold my 6K Offer"

"I sold 2 Intensives"

$70,000 in 2 Days
£20,000 in 8 Weeks
£15,000 in 7 Days
$2,250 in 6 Weeks
20 clients enrolled 
'I had 60% Conversion Rate'

 "I have made over $10k in one weekend 🤩"

Sold her first intensive at $1200 AND her Coaching package at $5k 

Sold her $8,400 Package

$29k in 2 weeks

 $18,000 in 7 Weeks

$6,500 in 7 Weeks

Closed her 10th Client 😮😮😮

Sold 2 programs at 3K

100 Consults booked and 28 Sales in 2 days

“I got 5 sales from a tiny email list of 150”

© 2022 - Pam Obasa -  All Rights Reserved.

Pam Obasa can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.